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Where can I see my account details including order history, payment status, etc?Updated 7 months ago

All of your account information, including previous orders, tax invoices, payment history, etc can be accessed through your online account.

To access your online account information and view your payment history, please follow the following steps:

1. Access your account details: Once logged in to your account, click on your account name in the top right of the screen.

2. Payment History: Once you log into your account, your payment history should be immediately viewable.

3. To download your tax invoice: 

We do not include hard copies of the Tax Invoices with orders as PDF versions of your Tax Invoice can be very easily downloaded both in the confirmation email that you receive when you submit your order and also from within your account on the Archies Footwear retailer website.

Downloading the Tax Invoice from within your order confirmation email: 

Click on the link in the order confirmation email: When you submit your order, you should receive an order confirmation email to the nominated email for that account. Within the email, there is a link that allows you to download your invoice. Simply click on the 'click here to download a PDF Tax Invoice for your order'.

Downloading your tax invoice from within your Archies Footwear retailers account: 

In addition to the above, all of your account information, including previous orders, tax invoices, payment history, etc can be accessed through your online account.

You must make sure that you use the right web browser: The website does NOT function correctly when using older internet browsers such as Internet Explorer. For the website to function correctly, you must use more modern browsers such as Google Chrome.

If you are having any trouble, please contact us at support and we’d be more than happy to assist you. 


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